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Gasthof zum Schützen
& Metzgerei Spath
Waldkircher Straße 5
79215 Oberprechtal

Tel. +49(0)7682-1265


Historybacon Pauline

So, how did everything start?
The history of market of family Spath

And this is how it all began: 

A look back at the market life of family Spath in former times Biederbach, now Oberprechtal.

It didn´t really start with a market, but with selling products from the farm. Butter, eggs, potatoes, fruits and also mushrooms, berries, home-made sausages and a lot more.

From 1898 on, Pauline Spath, better known as "Bacon-Pauline", carried all those products in baskets on her head to Gutach. Right there, she had a place in front of the pub / restaurant "Ochsen" where she sold her products. Near her place there was the firm "Gütermann" which definitely helped her selling the products. This lasted till 1901. In this year the railway line to Freiburg was finished and so the name "Spath" was known at the market of Freiburg because of selling their products right there every Saturday. Only the wars interrupted this beginning tradition.

A Saturday approximately ran like this:

Early in the morning, at 05:00 o´clock, you had to be at the train station of Elzach with your products. So you took the first train to Freiburg main station. In Freiburg it was necessary to oblige a porter who carried the products by handcart to the Münster square and also the way back to the train station around midday.

In return, the porter demanded five Mark. It was a long journey, around 12 till 14 hours being up and about until you arrived back at home in the afternoon. When "Bacon-Pauline" became older, her daughter Emma Spath supported her and also continued the business after the death of her mother.

There are a lot of stories about "Bacon-Pauline", which were also published in the newspapers.

Interrupted by the First and Second World War, the market business continued till 1950. Then, the daughter of Emma Spath - Hilda Volk and her husband Hermann Volk - were involved more and more into the market business.

First, Hermann Volk built a cart to carry the products from the main station to the Münster square - this way you didn´t need a porter anymore.

In 1953, a huge relief was bought: a car. It was a tricycle named Golliath. In this time they felt like kings, when they were on their way to Freiburg every Saturday.

Thanks to the own car, it was also the beginning of selling the products on the market of Em-mendingen every Tuesday and Friday. For the market of Emmendingen, Hermann Volk built a market stall which could be stored there, that means it could be put up and dismantled right there.

In 1958, Hermann Volk built a mobile shop in the style of a Black Forest cottage which was covered with straw. This was parked on a "rubble-plot" - today the building of the firm "Sport Karstadt" is located there.

In 1962, it was a Tuesday on carnival, unknown people threw the mobile shop into a nearby excavation. It was totally destroyed. When Karl Spath married his wife Hedwig in 1958 and also finished his exams of master butcher in 1961, they decided to buy a real mobile shop. That one was commissioned in February 1963 and served them till 1976. The next mobile shop, which was used until 1985, had a refrigerated counter and also electronic light. Of course, this was a big progress and improvement, because in earlier times they had to use candles and later gaslight.

In 1985, they bought a modern cart, which was equipped with every comfort you can imagine for that time. Today the "Schützen" butcher shop in Oberprechtal has a mobile shop, which is equipped totally up-to-date. It is one of the first butcher shops in Baden-Württemberg, which is allowed to sell the whole range of goods of a butcher shop on a market. Until now, the so called "minced meat order" had prohibited to sell products on markets or squares, which belong to that certain category.

In collaboration with the producer of the firm Borco Höhns in Rotenburg (Wümme), they devel-oped a vehicle which fulfils all demands. In the last years, they always had problems with the weight - but then the vehicle was built as a trailer. Therefore, also this problem was solved. According to Regina and Josef Spath, an optimal solution was found. With the new vehicle, not only the driving but also the selling - thanks to the spacious equipment - is a great thing.

Here a couple of goof anecdotes.

the "original Bacon-Pauline"  (09.11.1898 - 28.01.1964)

written by Andreas Volk, Oberbiederbach